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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution By licence. The recent availability of the complete genome sequences of a large number of model organisms, together with the immense amount of data being produced by the new high-throughput technologies, means that we can now begin comparative analyses to understand the mechanisms involved in the evolution of the genome and their consequences in the study of biological systems. Phylogenetic approaches provide a unique conceptual framework for performing comparative analyses of all this data, for propagating information between different systems and for predicting or inferring new knowledge. Here we review the recent developments aimed at making automatic, reliable phylogeny-based inference feasible in large-scale projects. We also discuss how evolutionary concepts and phylogeny-based inference strategies are now being exploited in order to understand the evolution and function of biological systems. Such advances will be fundamental for the success of the emerging disciplines of systems biology and synthetic biology, and will have wide-reaching effects in applied fields such as biotechnology, medicine and pharmacology. The genetic information encoded in the genome sequence contains the blueprint for the potential development and activity of an organism in its environment. This information can only be fully comprehended in the light of the evolutionary events duplication, gain, loss, recombination, etc. The recent availability of the complete genome sequences of a large number of model organisms, together with the immense amount of data being produced by the new technological breakthroughs in high-throughput biology, means that we can now begin comparative analyses to understand the mechanisms involved in the evolution of the genome and their consequences in the study of biological systems. At the same time, theoretical advances in information representation and management have revolutionized the way experimental information is collected, stored and exploited. Ontologies, such as Gene Ontology Ashburner et al. These ontologies are being exploited in the new information management systems that are being developed to allow large scale data mining, pattern discovery and knowledge inference e. Gouret et al. The new genomic data, combined with recent advances in phylogenetic theory and in informatics, now offers a new global view of the function of living systems across the tree of life Wolfe and Li, ; Doolittle, ; Koonin and Wolf, It is generally accepted that genome sequences are ideal tools for the study of evolution and for the reconstruction of the tree of life for a recent review see Delsuc et al.

ProteinNet: a standardized data set for machine learning of protein structure

However, it is perhaps less well accepted that evolutionary analysis represents a powerful tool in the analysis of genomic data. In this review, we will focus on the use of multi-species comparisons and evolutionary approaches for performing comparative data analyses, for propagating information between different systems and for predicting or inferring new knowledge. One of the main advantages of using evolutionary methods in high throughput analyses is that they are designed to represent the causal processes underlying observations. Thus, while some bioinformatics methods distinguish between orthologs and paralogs based on a pattern e. Thus, evolutionary analysis yields inferences, not about patterns, but about the causal factors underlying the patterns. Another area where phylogeny-based inference has been applied is in annotation of protein function in whole genome analyses Thorne, ; Eisen et al. It has been shown recently how an explicitly evolutionary approach eliminates certain categories of error that arise from gene duplication and loss, unequal rates of evolution, and inadequate sampling, e. Eisen, ; Zmasek and Eddy, There are now relatively sophisticated analysis tools to address these problems, particularly the problem of identifying paralogy reviewed in Koonin, Such methods can be improved by evaluating a more precise model, that has fewer assumptions and that more closely reflects the mechanisms of evolutionary change Shapiro et al.

Nevertheless, while powerful tools exist for some applications of evolutionary analysis, they remain under-utilized because of the lack of an appropriate informatics infrastructure that makes evolutionary approaches relatively inaccessible and difficult to use. The large-scale organization of sequences into groups related in evolution is not a trivial undertaking and requires the careful selection of methods for aligning sequences and inferring phylogenetic relationships. Considerations include both the applicability of a particular method to the data e. Here we will review the recent developments in the field, aimed at making automatic reliable phylogeny-based inference feasible in large-scale projects. We will then discuss how evolutionary concepts and phylogeny-based inference strategies are now being exploited in high throughput biology projects in order to understand the evolution and function of biological systems. Construction and exploitation of phylogenetic trees and understanding of evolutionary events are very complicated tasks, but recent developments constitute major advances that address many of the major bottlenecks. The general strategy, outlined by Eisen in , is shown in Figure 1. First, an evolutionary analysis depends on a presumption of homology. In molecular sequence analysis, this corresponds to the dual task of finding homologs by performing similarity searches in sequence databases, and of identifying homologous residues in a multiple sequence alignment. Next, a phylogenetic tree is constructed and the tree topology is analyzed to localize speciation or gene duplication events at particular branch points. Finally, the phylogenetic tree is overlaid with experimental data, and changes in structure or function can be traced along the evolutionary tree. Such an evolutionary approach provides a general framework that can be applied effectively to many different kinds of data, including complete genome sequences, cDNAs or ESTs, RNA or protein sequences, or even whole-genome features beyond the sequence level, such as gene order synteny or gene content i.

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Strategies for Reliable Exploitation of Evolutionary Concepts in High Throughput Biology

However, generally speaking, protein sequences have been shown to be better than nucleotide sequences in obtaining the true tree topology or trees close to the true tree Russo et al. The first step in any phylogenetic analysis generally requires the identification of sequences related to the genes of interest. The goal is to include sufficient diversity for optimal information content, since distantly related sequences can help many aspects of the analysis. Nevertheless, the sequences should share sufficient residue identity to enable the generation of an accurate multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree, otherwise noise is introduced in the analysis. Gen-Threader ideal for automatically predicting the structure of all the proteins in a translated bacterial genome McGuffin and Jones, , SAM-T99 begins with a single target sequence and iteratively builds a hidden Markov model from the sequence and homologs Karplus et al. Washietl et al. Once the set of potential homologs has been identified, the next step is to construct a multiple sequence alignment. A vast array of diverse algorithms has been developed in an attempt to construct reliable, high-quality multiple alignments within a reasonable time limit that will allow high-throughput processing of large sequence sets. Traditionally the most popular method has been the progressive alignment procedure Feng and Doolittle, , which exploits the fact that homologous sequences are evolutionarily related. A multiple sequence alignment is built up gradually using a series of pairwise alignments, following the branching order in a phylogenetic tree. A similar observation was made in another study of RNA alignment programs Gardner et al.

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Therefore, recent developments in multiple alignment methods have tended towards integrated systems bringing together knowledge-based or text-mining systems and prediction methods with their inherent unreliability. Some of the most widely used or more innovative methods include: DbClustal Thompson et al. These programs combine the advantages of both local and global alignment algorithms and generally incorporate an iterative refinement strategy. Although much progress has been achieved, the latest methods are not perfect and misalignments can still occur. If these misalignments are not detected, they will lead to further errors in the subsequent applications that are based on the multiple alignment. The assessment of the quality and significance of a multiple alignment has therefore become a critical task, particularly in high-throughput data processing systems, where a manual verification of the results is no longer possible. Multiple alignment validation is difficult because the true alignment of naturally evolved sequences is never known. As an alternative solution, a number of quality assessment QA measures have been proposed, known as objective functions, that estimate how close the alignment is to the correct or optimal solution. Until recently, the most widely used alignment quality measures were based on the sum-of-pairs score Carrillo and Lipman, or a log-likelihood ratio, such as relative entropy Hertz and Stormo, Other scores e.

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Strategies for Reliable Exploitation of Evolutionary Concepts in High Throughput Biology

NorMD Thompson et al. All these objective functions calculate a global score that estimates the overall quality of a multiple alignment. However, even when misalignments occur, it is not necessarily true that all of the alignment is incorrect. Useful information could still be extracted if the reliable regions in the alignment could be distinguished from the unreliable regions. The prediction of the reliability of specific alignment positions has therefore been an area of much interest, e. Regions that are doubtful should be excluded from the subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Alignment columns for which a substantial number of sequences e. A phylogenetic tree shows the evolutionary relationships among different species or other entities that are believed to have a common ancestor. Sometimes a gene tree disagrees with the species tree constructed for example from anatomical and paleontological considerations due to gene duplication, loss, and lineage sorting. At this point, an important point has to be underlined: a protein is often composed of different domains and these domains may have different evolutionary histories due to genomic recombinations and exon shuffling Schmidt and Davies, Such events cannot be identified based on the alignment alone and a phylogenetic analysis at the individual domain level is essential, since the topologies of the phylogenetic trees corresponding to the two domains may be different. In the case where the resulting domain phylogenies are in fact congruent, the phylogenetic signal can be combined into a single gene phylogeny. Once the domain structure of the gene has been identified, there are two main classes of phylogenetic tree construction methods: distance based neighbor joining and character based maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian method reviewed in Brocchieri, Distance-based methods compute a matrix of pairwise distances between sequences in an alignment and thereafter ignore the sequences themselves, constructing a tree based entirely on the original distance computation. The computation of the character-based distance can be calculated using different matrices. These matrices use maximum likelihood estimates based on family alignments e. Dayhoff PAM matrix model, JTT matrix model , or a model based on the genetic code together with a constraint on changing to a different category of amino acid. The distances can also be corrected for gamma-distributed and gamma-plus-invariant-sites-distributed rates of change in different sites. Rates of evolution can vary among sites in a pre-specified way, and also according to a Hidden Markov model. Unfortunately no biological datasets exist to assess phylogenetic tree methods directly.The community has therefore no way of knowing the true evolutionary tree underlying a protein superfamily. For this reason all experimental validations of phylogenetic inference methods have been performed on simulated data and results relevant to protein superfamilies are inconclusive Sjolander, One approach to tackle this problem, is to combine different methods [e. Figenix Gouret et al. Given the same multiple sequence alignment, two reconstruction methods will produce at least two trees and sometimes many more for example the maximum parsimony tree will produce many hundreds of equally parsimonious trees. Closely related subgroups are found reliably by most tree methods and most of the differences between trees are found at the deeper nodes in the tree. To avoid any systematic biases of one particular method, bootstrap analysis is combined with different tree methods Brocchieri, The next step in the Figenix system is to compare the topologies obtained from the different tree methods using a suitable algorithm such as the Hasegawa test Kishino and Hasegawa, and to look for congruence of the trees. When the three trees are congruent a fusion is performed, and in the case where one of the trees is not congruent with the others, only two trees are fused. In the case where the three trees are not congruent, no fusion is possible and the default choice is then the maximum likelihood tree. The phylogenetic reconstruction process described above also allows the possibility of inferring the sequences of ancient ancestors of modern species using a model of molecular evolution reviewed in Danchin et al. This ancestral sequence reconstruction works for the evolution resulting from a substitution process and can be performed at the protein or at the DNA gene sequence level. Reconstruction can also be made from large genomic regions, for example Blanchette et al. Computational simulations were performed demonstrating that large parts of the euchromatic genome from early eutherian could be accurately reconstructed when specific extant mammalian genomes were carefully chosen. Mutational processes such as tandem and segmental duplication, inversion, and translocation or different modes of selection were not included in the simulation, as no models were available, in contrast to amino acid or nucleotide substitution. However reconstructions have been made for the other genetic events using less realistic evolutionary models. The next step is to differentiate between true orthologs homologous genes resulting from speciation and paralogs homologous genes resulting from duplication among sequences in the tree. Several approaches not based on phylogenetic analysis claim to find orthology. One of the most popular is based on a clustering method such as Inparanoid Remm et al.

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ProteinNet: a standardized data set for machine learning of protein structure

The clustering requires a complete genome and gives erroneous information in the case of lineage-specific differential paralog loss see for example Danchin et al. This is not the case for ortholog and paralog identification based on phylogeny. When phylogenetic trees are constructed, specific algorithms are applied to distinguish between orthologs and paralogs, e. Zmasek and Eddy, ; Dufayard et al. In general, orthologs are considered to have more chance of sharing a similar function compared to paralogs e. Collette et al. This can also be argued theoretically since after duplication, either one of the copies is lost, or both duplicates undergo sub-functionalization, or one of the duplicates evolves toward a new function neo-functionalization Force et al. By function, Force et al. At the molecular level, paralogs can be either biochemically sub-functionalized or neo-functionalized and they will have therefore a different biochemical function, although in the case of neo-functionalization one of the copies will retain the ancestral function. Note that the paralog that undergoes neo-functionalization can be identified by the evolutionary shift analysis see below. At the transcriptional level, in the case of neo-transcription events, one of the copies will retain the ancestral transcription pattern.

In the case of sub-transcription, the two copies will have a complementary pattern that will recapitulate the patterns of the preduplicate copy and the non duplicate ortholog. Analyses of evolutionary change at the amino acid and nucleotide level provide valuable hints of what is happening at the molecular level in biological systems. Patterns of replacement, observed in sequence alignments, can reflect residues important for function, stability, and folding reviewed in Clifford et al. For example, the functional importance of sites is intuitively inversely related to the evolutionary rate of amino acid replacements. This intuition arises from one interpretation of the neutral theory of evolution in which the site of the greatest functional significance are under the strongest selective constraint Gu, An organism that experiences a replacement at one of these sites is less likely to survive and therefore to reproduce. In some cases the extent to which function constrains the evolution of a protein sequence can be estimated by measuring the ratio of non-synonymous replacement to synonymous silent substitutions during evolution Liberles and Wayne, This ratio is also used to detect positive selection in coding DNA which in turn could be linked to a functional shift. To assess more broadly the possible functional significance of sequence evolution, particularly among distantly related proteins, other approaches have emerged that consider amino acid replacements non-synonymous substitution alone Gaucher et al. Finally, analysis of the population genomic variation provides an alternative scheme that allows the detection of genomic content submitted to positive selection Biswas and Akey, These approaches are reviewed in more detail in the following sections. These methods begin by analyzing how the evolutionary rates of amino acid replacements differ among sites in a protein sequence site to site rate heterogeneity , with a statistical formalism in which the rate varies among sites according to a gamma distribution Yang, In a conventional analysis of sequence evolution using the gamma model, termed homogeneous, rapidly and slowly evolving sites remain rapid or slow across the entire evolutionary tree. Such a homogeneous evolutionary rate is expected when the functional constraints at sites are constant for the entire evolutionary history. However if the function of the protein is changing, some residues might be subjected to altered functional constraints in various places of the phylogenetic tree, which implies that the evolutionary rates at these sites will be different in different branches of the tree heterotachy. To model this phenomenon, a non-homogeneous gamma model is used, where the constraint of fixed rates per site along the phylogeny is relaxed to allow the identities of fast and slow sites to change over time i.

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(PSSM) is constructed for database search in the next iteration. ). Duplication events were evaluated by relative dating, based on the.

ProteinNet: a standardized data set for machine learning of protein structure - PMC

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