Bayard Rustin Dating White Men

bayard rustin dating white men

Rustin played a key role in advancing civil rights and economic justice. His partner, Walter Naegle, talks with BuzzFeed about that legacy on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the march Rustin made a reality. Like so many gay New Yorkers of his era, a year-old Walter Naegle went to Times Square one afternoon in and met a man. The tall man with the shock of white in his Afro introduced himself as Bayard Rustin. Black and 37 years Naegle's senior, Rustin was — to a well-informed circle of activists, historians, and politicos — one of the giants of the 20th-century political organizing. The chance encounter was the beginning of a revolutionary love story, a decade-long relationship that, in many ways, epitomizes our country's journey from Selma to Stonewall. Rustin, who died in , is best known as the chief organizer of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His legacy has had a renaissance in the past few weeks, as the White House announced he will posthumously receive the Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in November, just two months after the march celebrates its 50th anniversary. Walter Naegle will accept the honor on behalf of the love of his life. He was an extraordinary person, but our everyday lives were quite ordinary," Naegle maintains. In the documentary about Rustin, Brother Outsider , Naegle jokes that he had to come out to his mother by saying, "I'm gay, he's black, and he's older than you. But neither Rustin's sexual openness nor his controversial political positions came without great costs.

The Places of Bayard Rustin

He wound up behind bars for practicing his nonviolent Quaker faith from to in a Pennsylvania prison for conscientiously objecting to serving in World War II and for practicing homosexuality 60 days in a California jail for "sex perversion" in And his many achievements — like pioneering one of the first Freedom Rides, refusing to give up his seat on a segregated bus in , more than a dozen years before Rosa Parks did, and helping found the Southern Christian Leadership Coalition to support the efforts of a then young, largely unknown minister named Martin Luther King Jr. When Naegle learned that the White House was going to honor Rustin, he was thrilled, of course, but also a bit worried that he'd "wake up one morning to the headline, 'Obama Gives Medal of Freedom to Communist Fag. Both — for different reasons, obviously — tried outing Rustin to oust him from political life. And yet, when the civil rights movement needed a man even his detractors acknowledged was the best organizer in the country — a man who turned out , people on the Capitol Mall in an orderly fashion when no one ever had before, creating the blueprint for the modern American mass political rally — they turned to Bayard Rustin. By the eve of the march in , Rustin had no less a defender than MLK himself standing up for him. This would have deeply embarrassed the leading elected black politician of the day, Rep. Adam Clayton Powell. Powell threatened to spread a rumor that Rustin was having a sexual relationship with King. That year was not the first time Rustin was forced to negotiate how much sex could be a part of his life. After his arrest, in which he'd been picked up with two men in the back seat of a car in Pasadena, California, he wrote, "Sex must be sublimated if I am to live in this world longer. I was just too quick for them!But, he adds, "At the time I did those things, I was not in a position with an organization. He made some bad choices. Now, in all fairness to him, at the time the Pasadena incident happened, straight people were having sex in cars! Having sex outside of marriage was not supposed to happen, and in some places it was illegal …[and] I am sure that straight people who were — caught having sex in cars were told to go home. Gay people were vilified and demonized. Naegle says that Rustin "had an extraordinarily strong sense of himself and of who he was," but that "when you live in a society in which you're constantly being told that you're less than or that you're not as good as, for being black or a Jew or gay or anything, a certain amount does get internalized. You can't help that. Rustin's sexual arrest record terrorized him again in , when segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond read its entire contents into the congressional record, in an attempt to make the march lose its best organizer. It backfired. Civil rights leaders, taking an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach, were not supporters of Thurmond and backed Rustin.

bayard rustin dating white men

Bayard Rustin: The Man Homophobia Almost Erased From History

Still, no matter how careful a homosexual was about not putting himself in a position in which he could be easily arrested again, there was nothing Rustin could do to stop rumors or new information being picked up by federal eavesdropping JFK signed off on Rustin's phone being tapped, Naegle says, which LBJ and Nixon continued in the hands of someone like Adam Clayton Powell. And yet, Rustin was not one to hold a grudge, even against Powell. Politics makes strange bedfellows, and Powell had to stay in bed with Rustin for years after blackmailing him for being gay. Even still, Rustin "defended Adam when he was being censured by the House, for all that hanky-panky going on in Bimini. In January , the House Democratic Caucus stripped Powell of a committee chairmanship; in March, the full House voted not to seat him. Rustin, he says, believed Powell "was being singled out because he was black. He wasn't saying he was a choirboy, but there were plenty of white politicians doing the same thing, and this was racist. In , the Supreme Court ruled that Powell's colleagues had unseated him unconstitutionally. Naegle's voice cracks and he tears up when he says, "Bayard was willing to stand up for people — even though they had mistreated him — if it was a matter of principle. On Aug.He was one of seven children in a Roman Catholic family. The March on Washington was one of the seminal events that inspired Naegle's increasing interest in the nonviolent movement, a passion he'd share with his future partner. By the time he graduated high school in the late '60s, at the height of the Vietnam War, he decided he wasn't going into the military. When he dropped out of college and joined Vista the domestic Peace Corps, which preceded AmeriCorps , he was prepared to go to jail as a conscientious objector. In January , "I sent my draft letter back saying, 'Thank you very much, but no thanks,'" Naegle recalls, chuckling. At the time, the peace, hippie, and queer movements were blossoming and overlapping. Many people in them — gay and straight — "acted gay" in front of their draft board to get out of serving. But, at "that point my life, it was about confronting what I thought was an evil, and doing it openly. Eventually, an FBI agent showed up at Naegle's job to question him "for about 45 minutes. Many years later, he found out that the military had made a technical error in not sending him a conscientious objector application. Naegle eventually obtained his FBI file under the Freedom of Information Act, which was "just about 10 pages, compared to Bayard's, which was about 10, During those years, when the anti-war movement was gaining a critical mass, there was notable absence from the ranks of its leaders: Bayard Rustin.

Why MLK’s Right-Hand Man, Bayard Rustin, Was Nearly Written Out of History

Rustin grew up in a Quaker family in rural Pennsylvania. He had been a palpable force in the anti-violence movements of the s and '40s, working with groups like the Quaker American Friends Service Committee and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. His work took him around the United States and landed him in Harlem. He made his bones as a "freelance troublemaker organizer for hire," as Naegle describes him, honing the skills he'd perfect on the Capitol Mall by running logistics for political meetings in New York. He traveled to India to learn nonviolence from Gandhi's disciples shortly after the mahatma was assassinated. Rustin went to jail for refusing to serve in World War II, as unpopular a war effort to criticize as any in American history. But during Vietnam, Rustin "didn't become a leader in the anti-war movement, but he didn't support the war," Naegle says. The March on Washington marked a unique day in civil rights history, as it may have been the only moment in which so many factions of the movement agreed with each other. The various camps — the pacifists, the politicians, labor, the ministers — were all on the same page for a minute in terms of strategy and content. The solidarity of this moment wouldn't last through much of the '60s. Rustin would eventually be accused by some pacifists of not being hard on LBJ because Johnson was rolling out the Great Society's anti-poverty programs, which Rustin found so crucial to helping black people. Meanwhile, by , King was on the outs with much of the civil rights movement for being too concerned with peace and poverty. His speech at the Riverside Church decrying the Vietnam War was not well received by many black leaders but was supported by Rustin. His fateful decision to go to Memphis to stand with the sanitation workers was derided by many movement leaders but supported by Rustin. But King's plans for the Poor People's Campaign — in which he wanted to lead a coalition of black, white, and Hispanic poor people to set up a shantytown on the Capitol Mall — were not even supported by Rustin. King at times, and people didn't like that," Naegle says, but it was always "on matters of tactics and political strategy, not on personal or moral issues or principles. It had more to do with practicality. But Rustin did not think the Poor People's Campaign was wise, "with thousands of poor people and without a concrete program or plan. Bayard's position was, 'It's fine to protest, but you have to make it clear to your opposition what you're protesting about.Despite his reservations, Rustin did step in to help with organizing the Poor People's Campaign after King died. But he stepped down after a few weeks; was not a good year for civil rights in the United States, and King's final campaign was plagued by infighting in the wake of his death. Rustin knew — and history has proven him right — that you don't get the kind of lasting attention of a nation that the March on Washington produced unless your organizational plan is every bit as impressive as the message you are trying to deliver. Regardless of the varying levels of success of each, the March on Washington was the model for the Poor People's Campaign, which itself was the model for the Occupy Wall Street movement in From a tactical standpoint, Naegle thinks Rustin would have had "real questions about [Occupy]. You need to give your opposition a way to get out of the situation, to lose, with dignity, or to win. It's fine to go out and say, 'Hey, we want peace. But how do you get to that? What are the practical steps? In his final years, by the time he was sharing his life with Naegle, Rustin was marrying the fight for racial civil rights with the emerging gay rights movement. He challenged the terrain of contemporary prejudice in a speech in which he said, "The new 'niggers' are gays.

How Bayard Rustin Inspired Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nonviolent Activism

Rustin, being so much older than Naegle, wanted to protect him legally for inheritance purposes. But "gay marriage" was almost unheard of, and any kind of legal status like domestic partnerships for legal couples was many years away. So Rustin, ever the creative problem solver when it came to outwitting discrimination, adopted Naegle as his son. McConnell then legally adopted Baker so that he could deduct him from his taxes. They are still together. Naegle says that Rustin "talked to his lawyer about it and we decided we would try it. So I got permission from my mother, and she had to sign a paper disowning me. They did it as a legal technicality in the face of other options. The New York Times felt no need to explain this distinction. In its obituary of Rustin, it merely describes Naegle as Rustin's "administrative assistant and adopted son. Yet the Times' obit ignored Naegle's overall role in Rustin's life. The paper also relegated Rustin's sexual orientation to the back of the bus, waiting until the 40th paragraph in a paragraph-long story to say that Rustin had recently been "quoted as saying he was homosexual," even though he'd been out his whole adult life and had spent the final years of his public life explicitly calling for gay rights. But it was the s, and the obit is an example of how the Times , as consistently as it could get away with, avoided LGBT issues and pushed them as far from sight as possible. By the end of the decade, the paper of record still had great difficulty talking about homosexuality.

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Rustin had no such difficulty. Naegle says Rustin was calmer in his final years, wandering around New York City with his walking stick as a kind of elder statesman, before he died at the age of His fervor for racial civil rights grew more muted, as he relied upon institutional forces to carry out the battles he'd set in motion via street-level activism in his youth. But Rustin's language calling for gay rights and economic rights grew increasingly militant during his final years. In , just a year before he died, Rustin gave a speech at the University of Pennsylvania in which he exhorted gay people to "recognize that we cannot fight for the rights of gays unless we are ready to fight for a new mood in the United States, unless we are ready to fight for a radicalization of this society. Imagine a society that takes lunches from school children. Do you really think it's possible for gays to get civil rights in that kind of society? The last week of June of this year saw great gains and losses for the civil rights of gay, straight, black, and white Americans, as the Supreme Court struck down key provisions of both the Defense of Marriage Act but also of the Voting Rights Act of That latter was one of the most salient results of the March on Washington. In organizing the march, Rustin had spent much of his time in the background. He'd written the first-ever pamphlet that explained how to get , people to the nation's capital on a single day, and he figured out every logistic from the speaking order to the sound system to the number of bathrooms.

Looking at the Legacy of Bayard Rustin

Bayard Rustin knew that winning required a team

But near the end of the march, Rustin took to the podium for one of its most important, most radical, and least remembered moments. Rustin read aloud the list of the march's 10 "demands of this revolution," right before King and Roy Wilkins hand-delivered them to President Kennedy. With the eighth demand, Rustin called for "a national minimum wage act that will give all Americans a decent standard of living. With the seventh demand, Rustin called for "a massive federal program to train and place all unemployed workers — Negro and white — on meaningful and dignified jobs at decent wages. Rustin is beautifully composed as he reads these demands aloud, his aristocratic voice betraying his rural Pennsylvania roots. He appears simultaneously on fire and calm. But when he calls, in the very first demand, for "the right to vote," it is hard to believe, 50 years later, this right could still be so elusive. Even Rustin's native Pennsylvania, a northern state not originally subjected to the Voting Rights Act, has been attempting to curtail the right to vote. Rustin's legacy lives not in the past, but in the present and future of America. His work linking sexual, racial, and economic rights was not only forward-thinking in , but in Courtesy of Associated Press. Courtesy of Walter Naegle. Bayard Rustin at the March on Washington. Share This Article Facebook. On the morning of August 28, , Dr.

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Martin Luther King Jr. While King spoke as the face of the civil rights movement , another man stood behind the scenes, an indispensable force within the movement. He was Bayard Rustin, a man whose life was shaped by the very prejudices the movement fought against, not only because of his race, but also because he was gay. Rustin would spend his life fighting for the rights of others, even while facing discrimination of his own. To the hundreds of thousands who were bused to Washington for the march, Rustin was synonymous with the movement. And Rustin thrived in an environment like that. Born in and raised by his grandparents in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Rustin learned Quaker values of nonviolence and peace from an early age. His confidence in those beliefs and in himself were reinforced by his grandmother, Julia Rustin, who affirmed his sexuality—a response that was nearly unheard of at the time. After leaving the group, Rustin shifted his attention to socialism, joining the Fellowship of Reconciliation FOR in The group, led at the time by A. Muste, advocated for peace, labor rights and equality for all people—unless those people were gay.

Bayard Rustin | Who Speaks for the Negro?

white. "It was not common at all to see black and white men together," Platt explained. "I think the answer really has to be who you're.

Bayard Rustin Was an Openly Gay Civil Rights Leader. He Was Also My Life Partner.

Rustin was marginalized for his identity as a gay Black man, but continued to fight for equality. His surviving partner Walter Naegle spoke with.

Bayard Rustin - Wikipedia

Rustin met his partner Walter Naegle while walking the streets of New York City in Like a fairytale, Bayard Rustin and Walter Naegle met.

Bayard Rustin: The Man Homophobia Almost Erased From History

When they started dating, Naegle was 27, while Rustin was The couple faced judgment as an interracial pair. Naegle and Rustin lived together.

Why MLK's Right-Hand Man, Bayard Rustin, Was Nearly Written Out of History | HISTORY

Imprisoned for militant pacifist activities during World War II, he was involved in nearly every major civil rights effort from the s on. In a life filled.

How Bayard Rustin Inspired Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nonviolent Activism ‹ Literary Hub

The closer the date came, the more alarm grew among white people in D.C. I imagined the conversations: “Tens of thousands of Black people.

Bayard Rustin | JFK Library

Iconic civil rights activist Bayard Rustin and his partner, Walter Naegle, were one such couple. The two men fell in love and were together for.

Bayard Rustin knew that winning required a team | Waging Nonviolence

The report states that then 40 year old Bayard Rustin had flagged the two white men down while standing on a street Date Commilited. 1–

Journey of Reconciliation - Wikipedia

In the documentary about Rustin, Brother Outsider, Naegle jokes that he had to come out to his mother by saying, "I'm gay, he's black, and.

Legendary Love: Bayard Rustin and Walter Naegle

Rustin was forty-five years old, and he had already been a part of some of the century's most important protests. He had worked with FOR, the.

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