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Thank you to everyone who has submitted Lockdown poems. Hosted by Chloe Garner. These poems were written during Lockdown and the Coronavirus pandemic, at a time when it seemed the whole country, and in fact the whole world was going through the same crisis. I am aware, as many people are, that for people and places in the world, the challenges are huge and sometimes extremely harrowing, compared to my own. Nonetheless, in reading these poems, I find reflections on, and insight into, my own experiences. As well as differences. Other ways of thinking about, or seeing, what is happening in this present time. I have found these poems extremely resonant, and I hope you will too. Some sail on ocean liners In comfort, style, and ease Relaxing on their balconies …. For the next relentless fight. Some drift around upon their rafts…. Could you throw them a life belt?

Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist

Or a paddle or an oar? Perhaps you could help guide them A bit nearer to the shore. Recordings of these are included with the following contributions where we have them. Someone will be offended No matter what I do. And help wipe snotty noses Or do I see my lover? For candlelight and roses. And have some nights of passion. And not think of myself. Am I a granny dutiful? On whom they can depend Am I a selfish lover? Or a dedicated friend? Oh Boris! When I was at school we used Pencils and blackboard and jotters, Now things are virtual, But you can still catch a virus From coughing and snotters. Some of us are falling out With siblings, Dads, and Mothers Some of us are reaching out And looking after others. Some of us have footpaths To cycle, walk, and jog Some of us have nowhere nice To even walk the dog. Some of us are welcoming New babies being born Some of us have lost loved ones And cannot truly mourn.All of us can choose to spend Our days in fear and dread….. BUT All of us can choose to plan For better days ahead. Love, health and food and drink. A Venetian network: meet, fuse, form. Watery channelled communication; aqua-hued veins — a circuitry of life,. Gondoliers float, promising infatuation on muddy churned inlets — overexposed to humanity. Our exploits. Its pathways are arterial veins rushing to and fro perpetually linking nerve endings, vital organs, sacred hearts in the palms of its metal soul. Medical corridors mimic veinal format — each cubicle a tiny blood clot hiding drama, risk, suppressed panic. Nurses, doctors, registrars skittle towards pins in a frenzy of duty, service, long shifts. Sweat drips from their overplayed, uncool veins. City airports heave with a throng of tourism — each department gate an exit. A blood outlet. Drops plummet from airborne wings as they rise to fruition, distant climes…. Onboard, a central veinal corridor acts as a skeletal backbone for all: a bringing of nourishment, safety, scarlet-clad, overtly wide, waxy smiles. Traffic jams mimic reduced fluency.

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Fluid ceases to rotate, creating oxygen starved passengers. Cars line up heaving laboured breath — too long captured in tin-canned warmth. Social media: the loudest heart thrum. She beckons all focus, mind matter, conscious, current thought. This siren winds her veinous, electronic circuitry tightly amidst upheld fingers. Willing hostages. Passively taken. Phone charge leads are fibrous veinal columns: connecting, reaching, formatting a virtual, veinous world. But beyond choking pollution, lungs fill with death, changing day in, night out, dizzying times. It draws right angles in front of your eyes but some see through it all … Still Orangutans fall from trees … Jaws are control — shaped. I once knew Quiet, knew Quench, knew Waterfalls falling into summer daydreams, knew Lichen, knew thoughtful thinking, knew lasting tearful embraces …. Our world of innocence was caught unaware, Taunted by a malicious nightmare, Locked inside for the foreseeing future, An experiment gone wrong; a distorted sculpture. Where to go; what to do, We try our best to struggle through, The roads are clear from cars and bikes, No long walks or country hikes. Isolated from family and friends, Trapped inside till the crisis ends, Can we survive this helpless attack? We all knew would be unique, The days turned into weeks, then months, The government repeatedly gave warnings of social distancing, And the world sat there listening. Today, I am thankful for family, But it is not just me, it is all of us internationally, Another reason of gratitude is technology, and all the scientists who studied biology. And the people who right now work hardest of all, Are the NHS who stand up tall. This is for all the people who have lost their jobs in this pandemic, And all those who are diabetic, and those who work as paramedics, This is for all the people suffering from COVID, This is for those with bad hygiene, This is to make you realize, That we should be thankful for those who we miss the most in this time.The sky is the colour it does best. Now I sit here in my brown leather chair, ankles crossed on its matching footstool, cup of cappuccino at my elbow, scrawling this. Choosing January and for the third attempt to withdraw the medication that keeps the walls neutral and conforming for me, that sets the bar no lower but no higher those weevils are returning to the woodwork, churning through old rot and making new. There is so much to consume, forces and events allied to fight off the choking, chronic obstructions with a weapon of its own. We are made enemies, deprived of touch, faces barely readable, we die alone our last breath no release. And, for days, sun pulls seedlings from their coats, wildflowers are named by chalk scrawls on the pavement, birds teach us their songs, the Earth calms itself and we wait and shuffle in masked queues our skin warm, nothing else to do but wait and look around. We thought it would be over before the month of May, They said it was a type of flu, and would soon go away, But now it really looks as if the crown of colds could stay, Faded rainbows. It was the Chinese Cholera, from a burger made of bat, Then Italy and Spain got it, what did we think of that? When super-spreaders brought it here, we were really in the crap. Faded rainbows. And lockdown cost us billions, cash we could ill afford, But furlough gave us income, and time of getting bored, A life quite low and leisurely became our just reward, Faded rainbows. But Malvern is a pretty place to lockdown with a friend, My kids bring life and laughter and a family to defend And Claire has kept her promise to love me to the end of faded rainbows. The sudden invasion of pathogens left humanity in dungeons. As we sit and witness the ordeal heaps of corpses are left ideal. The priest in white apron and the enlist in beige patron working hand in hand selflessly in a honourable exemplary. The humankind is startled Gaea smiles and terra sparkles the passerine advancing towards havens as the tellus recuperates from our abrasions.

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High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution

Take comfort and know better days lie ahead, but first we must endeavour to keep a cool head! In the middle of this infinite black sea, Amongst millions of blazing stars, Hanging delicately by a golden thread, You and I are here, And that is everything. More people will die from this virus. Of that I have no doubt. Just lots of talk of Covid Our current invisible foe. All events are currently cancelled. I have little chance Of fitting back into My wedding gown ten years on. My family are all safe and well. I am able to speak to them. I can enjoy more time with Owen. The weather is warming up. There are spring flowers to look at. My mental health is good now. I know I can get through this. I have a good job to go back to. We are fanatically stable. Wildlife is recovering without us. Yesterday I spent three hours, On Facebook and shopping sites.


Trying to avoid the bad news. Yesterday I also spent my money, On presents for upcoming birthdays. Yesterday I spent five hours, Idly watching telly. Mainly CBeebies and This Morning. Yesterday I spent an hour, Walking in spring sunshine. We spotted some new flowers. Yesterday I spent another, Weeding the vegetable patch. Ready to plant seeds Dad gave us. Yesterday I spent twenty pounds On books for homeschooling Owen. Trying to keep us motivated. Yesterday I spent only moments, Actually awake on my own.

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Yesterday I spent too much time, Worrying about the Corona virus. Yesterday I spent a while, Searching for moisturiser. My hands are so dry from washing. Yesterday I spent too long Biting my nails and cuticles. I went to bed later than Phil. Yesterday I spent ages Trying to get to sleep. The sun was shining today. It was warm in the garden, And on our walk along the river. We set up ramps for Owen, To drive his monster truck over. We enjoyed a roast pork lunch. When I was feeling really low, This was the normal state of being. Staying at home with just Owen.If this happened twenty years ago, Life would have been so different. No video calls or online shopping. Just dial-up internet and a land line. He knows that we are trying to avoid, A nasty virus that is going around. Supermarkets have put down marks On the floor, so people stay apart From one another and stay safe. There are often queues to get in, Du to the restrictions on the number Of customers in each store at a time. It was lunch hour And the shop was as empty as concrete. They were only letting fifty people In the store at a time Due to the recent lockdown rules Amid the coronavirus outbreak. What worried people most Was not the virus itself But the outlook it had on humanity. Outside, Gary, Whose wife killed herself After being raped by her dad, Was sitting down and being harassed by security For holding a cup. This lockdown Is an old-fashioned knockdown. Streets are angry with iron, And lips are touching germ. People are recorded as saying, Why does it happen to us Every time, yet we Try hard for it not to? This lockdown Is a new-famished eclipse Of pinnacle human expression — No touching allowed. Our dearest Seem alien, almost different From who we knew them as Months prior. This lockdown Has a motive. To turn people for better; for worse. People have shown Who they are — Even in lockdown, The homeless are.

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comprehensive in the world to date. It (1) provides an assessment of the “green” impact of all state budget expen- ditures; (2) covers tax expenditures; (3).

Jonathan Greening - Wikipedia

green movement are not coming from within the green movement at all! In the all be living in an Ed Begley paradise? Does it surprise anyone that a scary.

High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution - PMC

Jonathan Greening (born 2 January ) is an English professional football coach and former player who is currently the manager of Scarborough Athletic of.

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